Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147001-147020 of all 180,554 gems.
146,9973,346freegeoip_rubyFreegeoip ruby library
146,9973,346ruby_nosA gem to provide microservices autodiscovery to Ruby microservices.
146,9973,346vegantech-activerecord-sqlserver-adapterSQL Server adapter for Active Record
146,9973,346robobotAutomate tasks with mouse and keyboard inputs.
146,9973,346ynabyA Ruby library for editing YNAB transaction.
146,9973,346find-circle-ymlA command-line tool for finding which repositories in your GitHub organization or B...
146,9973,346mhartl-find_mass_assignmentFind likely mass assignment vulnerabilities
146,9973,346riverbedRuby business logic gem
146,9973,346nanoc-graphviznanoc graphviz filter plugin
146,9973,346drupalComing Soon! This gem is in development - Dont use it, Drupal integration with rails app
146,9973,346separate_datetimeSplits a datetime string, into separate date and time strings
146,9973,346voteable_hunterA voting gem, developed first for my Postit app
146,9973,346splendidWant to test if a webpage looks as expected? Use splendid in your tests to make sure st...
146,9973,346omniauth-dailymileOmniAuth strategy for DailyMile.
146,9973,346jobrocketWrite a gem description
146,9973,346hennk-ec2onrailsClient-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails se...
146,9973,346laktek-todosimple command line todo list manager
146,9973,346git_modelsRails models for Git data.
146,9973,346tallakt-gpsspeedGPS Track speed calculation utility
146,9973,346pramodA simple hello world gem