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Most downloads over all time
147161-147180 of all 180,459 gems.
147,1283,334jnunemaker-sirenJSON parser that understands cross-references and casts to typed Ruby objects. Implemen...
147,1283,334omniauth_alipaythis is a alipay oauth 2.0 gem based on omniauth
147,1283,334lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
147,1643,333methodmissing-rb_aioPOSIX Realtime IO extension for Ruby MRI (1.8.{6,7} and 1.9.2)
147,1643,333jcnetdev-acts_as_listAllows ActiveRecord Models to be easily ordered via position attributes
147,1643,333julik-rutilsSimple processing of russian strings
147,1643,333evertMakes notes using your favorite text editor instead of Evernote's.
147,1643,333krasivotokak-simple-navigationSimple Navigation is a ruby library for creating a navigation (optionally with sub navi...
147,1643,333steveh-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
147,1643,333rowerIn progress
147,1643,333to_arrayThis gem convert from String which follow Array format to collectively ArrayClass. You...
147,1643,333omniauth-edwith001OmniAuth strategy for Edwith Hanyang
147,1643,333ThorExtendDynamically extend options on a Thor::Command
147,1643,333jssorslider-railsThis gem provides the slider ready for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline. You can check out ...
147,1643,333ngbgolang package 依赖控制
147,1643,333mrunleaded-photo_albumA simple photo album plugin/generator.
147,1643,333octopress-categoriesCategory pages for Octopress and Jekyll pages.
147,1643,333berkeley_library-dockerUtility functions for making Ruby apps "just work" in Docker containers.
147,1643,333remixr-prashanthwrapper for the BestBuy Remix api
147,1643,333kevwil-hellotxtHelloTxt ( is a simple service that makes updating your social netw...