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Most downloads over all time
147181-147200 of all 180,434 gems.
147,1623,327sinapseAn EventSource push service for Ruby
147,1623,327drnic-railsRails is a framework for building web-application using CGI, FCGI, mod_ruby, or WEBrick...
147,1623,327gnosisGnosis allows developers to perform in-memory decryption of the contents of RGSSAD and ...
147,1623,327krasivotokak-simple-navigationSimple Navigation is a ruby library for creating a navigation (optionally with sub navi...
147,1623,327rosetteAdd missing translations from the interface of your application
147,1623,327omniauth-edwith-hanyangOmniAuth strategy for Edwith Hanyang
147,1623,327hash_magickFor nesting flat hashes, etcetera.
147,1623,327hola_ks_2015A simple hello world gem
147,1623,327lending_treeVery basic gem to pull out params from a url
147,1623,327outfitterConfigure and generate environment setup files
147,1913,326mifix-timeline_fuEasily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed
147,1913,326drone-rubyAPI client for
147,1913,326tonic-wpTonic-WP provides a basic Sass featureset designed to be as minimal as possible. The ge...
147,1913,326model-xBase class that includes many ActiveModel mixins as well as attribute behavior.
147,1913,326convertvoicetotextConvert voice into text with high interpretation
147,1913,326ThorExtendDynamically extend options on a Thor::Command
147,1913,326such_metaSimple SEO meta tag helper that offers customization and internationalization.
147,1913,326jcnetdev-rspec-railsSpec::Rails (a.k.a. RSpec on Rails) is a Ruby on Rails plugin that allows you to drive ...
147,1913,326serf-clientImplementation of Serf RPC
147,1913,326omniauth-edwith001OmniAuth strategy for Edwith Hanyang