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147241-147260 of all 180,534 gems.
147,2333,336steveh-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
147,2333,336yaml-lint-ngCheck if your YAML files can be loaded.
147,2333,336rowerIn progress
147,2333,336lita-yoda-quotesQuote from yoda, quickly and easily you can get.
147,2333,336taf2-rjqueueA Job Queue Server. Responses to UDP requests.
147,2333,336jicksta-theatreA library for choreographing a dynamic pool of hierarchially organized actors on Ruby v1.8
147,2333,336umang-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
147,2333,336distancesConvert between metric, imperial, and astronomical distances.
147,2333,336guard-rustGuard::Rust automatically builds your Rust code.
147,2333,336mlj-unicode_normalization_validationA Unicode Normalization Form validation plugin for Rails
147,2333,336ivey-merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
147,2333,336ThorExtendDynamically extend options on a Thor::Command
147,2333,336random_quotesThis gem will display random quotes , and show them on your view pages. You can also ad...
147,2333,336locker_kitUI Kit for DevLocker
147,2333,336fog-emailThis gem aims to abstract usage of popular email service providers ...
147,2333,336sinapseAn EventSource push service for Ruby
147,2333,336david_inhello world programe
147,2333,336hlruboHomelight Shared Ruby Style Guides
147,2333,336parsefilesUtility for parsing log files
147,2333,336hash_magickFor nesting flat hashes, etcetera.