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Most downloads over all time
147201-147220 of all 180,434 gems.
147,1913,326jorahood-rubycas-clientClient library for the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol, modified to work ...
147,1913,326lenary-ginatraHost your own git repository browser through the power of Sinatra and Grit
147,1913,326ivey-merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
147,1913,326string_unescapeEasy String#undump
147,1913,326koyachi-scissor-videoutility to chop video files
147,1913,326martymcguire-slicehostSlicehost Capistrano recipes for configuring and managing your slice.
147,1913,326mateuszzawisza-process-balancerSimple gem that controls amount of processes basing on system load average
147,1913,326technoweenie-openuri_memcachedOpenURI with transparent caching
147,1913,326jastix-string_extendstring_extend adds useful features to the String class
147,1913,326wkimeria-rack-attackA rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests
147,1913,326poltergeist-cjPoltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
147,1913,326hadronRuby framework called Hadron that allows you to work with gRPC Ruby output easily.
147,1913,326voteable_drewA really cool voting gem.
147,1913,326jnewland-bigdecimal-segfault-fixPrevents users from exploiting the BigDecimal bugs and causing your application to segf...
147,1913,326cruftySelf-destruct your crufty code to ensure it doesn't become permanent.
147,1913,326parsefilesUtility for parsing log files
147,1913,326tenderlove-meowSend Growl notifications via Ruby.
147,1913,326specialExperiment with a protocol for specifying and implementing specializations of Ruby cont...
147,1913,326kevins_propietary_brainI will not reveal my very secret algorithim
147,1913,326teejayvanslyke-gazerpoor man's aspect-oriented programming for Ruby