Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148561-148580 of all 180,530 gems.
148,5363,294route4meRouting Software, Route Planning Software, Delivery Route Planner
148,5363,294jspradlin-scrubytscRUBYt! is an easy to learn and use, yet powerful and effective web scraping framework...
148,5363,294jrun-factory_girlfactory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...
148,5363,294superslau-pinyinifyTransliterate from Mandarin to Pinyin
148,5653,293mattt-staticmaticThe Lightweight Static Content framework
148,5653,293lastobelus-merb-recaptchaMerb plugin that provides helpers for service
148,5653,293thefool808-couch_potatoRuby persistence layer for CouchDB
148,5653,293rl_hiya_tingThis library is for excercise for creating my own gem.
148,5653,293searchlogic-donotuseSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.
148,5653,293lex-influxdbUsed to connect Legion to influxdb
148,5653,293thumblemonks-thumblemonks-load_modelRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and reque...
148,5653,293jquery_numeric_inputs_railsThis is a gemify of the Manuel van Rijn jqyery plugin that allows us to control inputs ...
148,5653,293rails_admin_spatial_fieldAllows Rails Admin to work with PostGIS spatial field type.
148,5653,293hash_extract_pairsextract key-value pairs of hash by specifying keys
148,5653,293mwhuss-contact_csvSimple library to read in CSV files that you export from clients like Outlook or GMail
148,5653,293so-prettyA gem to pretty print anything. Currently supports input formats: - ruby (.inspect fo...
148,5653,293mathfJust when you thought you could ruin someones day by requiring mathn. Try mathf and put...
148,5653,293command_botGeneral purpose text bots
148,5653,293tune_yardA simple remote for SonicPi