Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148541-148560 of all 180,530 gems.
148,5363,294tmm1-erlectricityA library to interface erlang and ruby through the erlang port system
148,5363,294mozy-actionwebserviceAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack
148,5363,294mynyml-unindentRuby method to unindent strings. Useful for multiline strings embeded in already indent...
148,5363,294isvegUpdated version
148,5363,294cenit-collection-superShared Collection cenit-collection-super to be use in Cenit
148,5363,294mattetti-i18nAdd Internationalization to your Ruby application.
148,5363,294artemis-api_authNet::HTTP adapter that adds Api Auth authentication for Artemis GraphQL Client
148,5363,294ruboty-ip_resolvResolve IP Address to Hostname
148,5363,294time_humanizerFormats seconds to readable time format i.e. 8h05m and vice versa
148,5363,294git_version_headerAdds an X-Version header with the current Git SHA commit
148,5363,294hola_toddschwA simple hello world gem
148,5363,294hola_otterA simple hello world gem
148,5363,294rd_challengeA challenge applied for job candidates at RD
148,5363,294mocaldisplays a calendar
148,5363,294umapppUmappp wrapper for Ruby
148,5363,294jeremyf-anemoneAnemone is a web spider framework that can spider a domain.
148,5363,294double_round_robin_scheduleRound Robin Tournament schedule for competitions or classroom teams
148,5363,294deebA debugging method called deeb