Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157141-157160 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8342xml-registryThe XML registry can be used to store or retrieve app settings etc. in an XML document.
146,8342butcherChef is a tool for managing server automation. A good butcher makes for a good chef.
146,8342bencreating_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
146,8342btakita-screw-unit-serverThe Screw Unit server conveniently serves your Screw Unit specs and javascript files an...
146,8342betaGem to handle multiple common cases of beta rollout
146,8342bltBLT lets you build things.
146,8342chef-provisioning-oneviewChef Provisioning driver for creating and managing OneView infrastructure.
146,8342cortexutilsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
146,8342dj_uniqueAn armour for delayed_job_active_record to ensure no duplicate jobs are enqueued
146,8342whenever-rayPatched version of official whenever gem v0.3.7 for ActiveSupport < 2.3.4 to support...
146,8342better_rails_debuggerBetter rails debugger can analyze memory issues only by the moment, but performance is ...
146,8342conorisprimeA simple gem
146,8342jsogLibrary to serialize and deserialize object graphs in the JSOG format
146,8342rsync_deployDeploy tool using rsync
146,8342vim-recoveryA utility for finding and recovering Vim swapfiles
146,8342wunderlist_to_githubThis utility connects to your accounts to transfer tasks from a given Wunderlist list t...
146,8342commandifyCommandify your rails app!
146,8342chappA Chef Knife plugin that facilitates creating and configuring applications in Chef
146,8342rails_api_validation_errorsInstead of Rails translating validation errors automatically to current locale, validat...
146,8342emWhy is abbreviation such a long word? Why is eventmachine such a long word, too?