Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157221-157240 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171active_indexAdd index option to active record without using the from hack directly
147,2171trollop-ghettoThis is a temporary gem with a patch, don't use it.
147,2171voteable_fer_septThe best shit for voting
147,2171slandoGem for working with slando service
147,2171usearchtreeUninformed search trees!
147,2171returnerSimple module with a class macro for defining multiple methods with the same return value.
147,2171action_throttlerAction Throttler is an easy to use Rails plugin to quickly throttle application actions...
147,2171rake_herokuA collection of useful scripts for interacting with heroku deployed rails applications.
147,2171voteable_matthewbarramThis is the a test voting gem as built in the gotealeaf.com course.
147,2171cloudmasterToolkit to wrap and modify the AWS Api.
147,2171osx-plistosx-plist is a Ruby library for manipulating Property Lists natively using the built-in...
147,2171yfinRetrieves data from Yahoo! Finance
147,2171rmm_eicar_testPart of the testing libs that I'm doing for various things relating to library security...
147,2171thermostat_AYTHON_HOUTTEKIERThermostat application
147,2171arithmeticCalculatorPerforms 4 basic operations.
147,2171thin-glazedSSL Proxy for HTTP Thin servers
147,2171superheroA gem to generate random superhero powers
147,2171workarea-circuit_breakerSmall libray to implement circuit breaker design pattern around external service calls
147,2171will_you_start_the_fans_pleaseAn extension for Capistrano 2 to add a bit of 90s-era excitement to your deployment -- ...
147,2171coinfreshCoinFresh API Client