Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157201-157220 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171potter_actorsProvides user with list of Harry Potter actors that they can choose to provide the resp...
147,2171sprockets-digest-assets-fixRails 4, much to everyone's annoyance, provides no option to generate both digest a...
147,2171auto_migrations_rails4Auto database migration for Rails 4.
147,2171cadetruby wrapper to Neo4j java API
147,2171shutl-rack-statsdTools for monitoring Rack apps in production.
147,2171thyrgrimTest gem
147,2171rubygems-localproxyKeep local cache of rubygems to speed up resolving dependencies
147,2171attr_askerThe 'attr_asker' method functions just like attr_reader, only it generates interrogativ...
147,2171bgch-hiera-consulConsul client for hiera with magic deseralisation
147,2171easy_hashAccess hash object value like it's a method.
147,2171smart_uriMainly for easy URI building and joining paths
147,2171user-choices-pathnamePathname for the user-choices command-line argument parser allows choices to be automat...
147,2171spree_devicesThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171rachelreddinga gem
147,2171rack-puttySimple web framework built on rack for mapping sinatra-like routes to middleware stacks.
147,2171petsPETS suite includes three different tools. CohortAnalyzer performs the calculation of s...
147,2171terminal_bloggerA small terminal blogging app
147,2171tinyextAdds Object#blank?, #present?, #tap?, #try and Symbol#to_proc
147,2171rubyvm-frozencoreExpose RubyVM::FrozenCore
147,2171unsyncedRecursivley Find Git Repositories that Aren't Pushed/Pulled