Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157241-157260 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171redundantCheck which image assets are no longer used
147,2171rack-content_length_setterMiddleware that autowrites Content-Length to responses
147,2171view_openerOpen view in the editor
147,2171workspace-pdfWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
147,2171badges_engine_testNot suitable for production
147,2171commissionerwrite in ruby, draw in raphael
147,2171slickr_cmsCMS built on top of Active Admin.
147,2171backheadremoves the tedium of defining rails engine configuration options
147,2171wordify_liquidA secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.
147,2171stormyStill Minimal
147,2171remotely_exceptionalRemote control of exceptions raised in distant contexts.
147,2171xcodebuild_rakeThis gem contains useful helpers for building and testing iOS/watchOS/tvOS/macOS apps u...
147,2171devcamp_view_tool_33Provides generated HTML data for rails applications
147,2171corntrace-fakewebFakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, withou...
147,2171ascii_drawing_generatorRuby gem that randomly generates cat and human ASCII drawings
147,2171thermite-railsUse thermite gems in Rails.
147,2171articlecliSimple CLI that scrapes news information from a website
147,2171ranking_distanceHelps determine how closely related two rankings are
147,2171voice_formA plugin for Adhearsion to create forms in the style of the VoiceXML form element.
147,2171voteable_marv_octA nice additional gem