Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157281-157300 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630locksmithGiven a private password, domain name and optionally username, this library will genera...
85,8630fluent-plugin-filter_codecFluentd custom plugin to encode/decode fields
85,8630sk_hand_dryerSechez vos mains du terminale!
85,8630sjpSlownik Jezyka Polskiego
85,8630rigeonwrapper for implementing PUB/SUB pattern across distributed system
85,8630semantic-crawlerSemanticCrawler is a ruby library that encapsulates data gathering from different sourc...
85,8630keenerUnofficial gem for accessing keen.io
85,8630rspec-instructureBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
85,8630gensetDescription of Genset.
85,8630happy_bday_abhishek_bhawaretest Gem
85,8630lorempixelA Ruby gem for making dummy images from www.lorempixel.com
85,8630fotoliaProvides a ruby interface to Fotolia via its XML-RPC api.
85,8630erlang_c_calculatorGiven the average call arrival rate per second, the average service time ...
85,8630harleytt-ansitagsConverts ANSI codes to HTML tags
85,8630true_stringTranslate a string to boolean.
85,8630executable_pathnameProvide additional methods to inspect executable files, as a Pathname subclass
85,8630governor_thinking_sphinxA plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system that adds ThinkingSphinx search...
85,8630irasutoya-cliCLI tool for irasutoya
85,8630feedalizerFeedalizer is a *small* Ruby library that glues together Hpricot with the standard RSS ...
85,8630hola_from_wendyA simple hello world gem