Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157261-157280 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800assets_railsThis is assets helper for rails
102,5800TokenizerProjectUTA simple multilingual tokenizer for NLP tasks. This tool provides a CLI and a library f...
102,5800svpSVN facade for Perforce. Supports offline diff, status, revert. Doesn't require a perma...
102,5800win_user32_rubyRuby wrapper for the user32.dll on Windows.
102,5800singleton_processEnsure that a given process is only running once. Helpful for ensure that scheduled tas...
102,5800rubysl-net-ftpRuby standard library ftp.
102,5800peek-deviseTake a peek into the Devise info of your Rails application.
102,5800paperclipdbDatabase storage support for paperclip file attachment plugin
102,5800twofuTwofu is a compatible command-line alternative to Google Authenticator which allows you...
102,5800netzplan_micro_frontendDescription of NetzplanMicroFrontend.
102,5800view_assetsInstead of using the default assets managing style in rails 3.2, this gem will introduc...
102,5800superfeedr-rubyRuby Client for the Superfeedr
102,5800abokifx_indexerRuby Wrapper to get NGN rates from abokifx.com
102,5800rubix-groupThis is a private them for Rubix
102,5800state_machine_extstate_machine extensions(state groups, find transitions)
102,5800tailored-etsyA friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API
102,5800active_mailerApplications that have complex email sending logic have DRYness problems. ActiveMailer ...
102,5800pacificatorPacificator implementes a service object locator pattern
102,5800numerical_notationSimplified numerical notations for easier comprehension of large numbers.