Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157301-157320 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300dotizeDig into a deeply-nested Hash with a dot-delimited string
85,4300miniricThis is a simple hello world gem copied from https://guides.rubygems.org/make-your-own-...
85,4300modulr-apiRuby client for Modulr Finance API.
85,4300radagastUse docker swarm and rabbitmq to distribute tasks. \ Designed for faster test execu...
85,4300itamae-plugin-resource-portageItamae resources for Gentoo Portage
85,4300instamaticIt's an image placement service in a box! Step 1: Install and run a generator. Step 2) ...
85,4300ruby-sisecommerceRuby API for Sisecommerce platform
85,4300jnicklas-courgetteCourgette is a Rails engine which makes your feature files viewable through your browse...
85,4300rsqipRuby port of SVG LQIP
85,4300draw_meBy utilizing matsuda stateful enum gem.
85,4300itamae-recipe-loaderGet out recipe names from itamae for using serverspec.
85,4300game_reviewsThis gem returns a list of games based on a defined minimum Metacritic Score for consol...
85,4300gizoogleThe (unofficial) interface to gizoogle.net. Allows translating strings and webpages int...
85,4300omniauth-pinterestOmniAuth strategy for Pinterest.
85,4300hl_cli_demoA sample CLI for the Hyperledger protocol.
85,4300rspec-isolationMake rspec examples run in separated processes. Especially used in framework develo...
85,4300jashmenn-method_cacheSimple memcache-based memoization library for Ruby
85,4300google-apis-cloudresourcemanager_v2beta1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Resource Manager API V2beta1. Simple REST clie...
85,4300rack_clickyEmbeds the Clicky tracking code at the end of your HTML