Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159421-159440 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920ruby1024Description of Ruby1024.
95,5920sinatra-session_helpersHelper methods for Sinatra's :sessions management.
95,5920data_minerDownload, pull out of a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, and import XLS, ODS, XM...
95,5920dude_weakA simple Week class based on ActiveSupport Time Calculations
95,5920resque-dataMake Resque data accessible via HTTP.
95,5920code-engine-tasksA collection of Rake tasks for working with IBM Cloud Code Engine projects.
95,5920dd_spacecadetRubygem for safely managing Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer backend servers
95,5920sparrow-themeA Jekyll theme for Smart Sparrow
95,5920ravendb-managerAllows to manage and monitor your RavenDB Document Database
95,5920sweet_actionsEach controller action is its own class, making it possible to abstract tasks like auth...
95,5920fern-formForm support for Fern.
95,5920is_publishableGives a resouce the ability to be published against a certain date
95,5920restful_serializerThis library is used to decorate ActiveRecord with methods to assist in generating Rest...
95,5920rubocop-inspecstyleInSpecStyle allows InSpec developers to write code with predictable styling and in a se...
95,5920buildr-ajcjava ajc compiler for buildr
95,5920spina-upgradeUpgrade Spina to 2.0 from a previous version
95,5920jigfox-action_mailer_tlsConveniently send emails through Google's Hosted App service
95,5920embulk-input-kafkaEmbulk input plugin for Apache Kafka
95,5920heroku_config_varsEngine to manage Heroku configuration variables from within your application
95,5920jlecour-authlogicA clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.