Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159441-159460 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920sluggable_thSet up slugs for Rails
95,5920fx-oracle-adapterAdds oracle adapter to Fx gem to enable database migrations and schema to work with...
95,5920rails-sns-shareDescription of RailsSnsShare.
95,5920httpi-adapter-win32sspiA HTTPI Adapter the uses Win32SSPI library. Support the Negotiate protocols. Se...
95,5920dodgeball-trust-sdk-rubyThis library provides functionality for Ruby-based server applications to execute no-co...
95,5920statsailrStatSailr is a Ruby program that enables users to manipulate data and to apply statisti...
95,5920fastlane-plugin-unity_exporterPlugin for 'fastlane' that defines an action to export iOS and Android projects via Uni...
95,5920decorate_resourceAutomatically decorates your resourceful controller
95,5920eSpace_soap4rAn updated implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.
95,5920gitcampGitcamp is a handy command line tool for syncing GitHub issues & milestones with Baseca...
95,5920snapshot_inspectorTake snapshots of responses and mail messages while testing, and inspect them in a brow...
95,5920rails-named-routes-optionsThis Rails plugin adds default_named_routes_options to your controllers and mailers, so...
95,5920sudden-deathAdd sudden_death method to String class.
95,5920cache_pipeProvides a wrapper around a Rails cache store, allowing values to be transformed before...
95,5920chuck-norrisWhen Chuck Norris throws exceptions, it's across the room
95,5920gdax_clientClient library for GDAX (Global Digital Assest Exchange) REST API
95,5920rrrA ruby library for Ruby programming with RR that allows method overload
95,5920defined-byAdvanced DSL and Dynamic class generation for Ruby
95,5920googlebooksclientA simple Google Books API Client
95,5920foreman_statisticsStatistics and Trends for Foreman gives users overview of their infrastructure.