Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162161-162180 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920server-statusCommand line tool for quickly fetching and displaying vital host metrics
95,5920hola-nickrobiA simple hello world gem
95,5920silkscreenCommand line utility to take screenshots
95,5920superp-phoneRelease for https://github.com/wmoxam/phone fork
95,5920phoenix_testingThis plugin adds the ability to run cucumber and rspec against the Pheonix Engine project
95,5920browsing_facadeA facade for browsing
95,5920jbasdf-disguiseAdd themes to your Rails application to easily change the view layer and impress everyo...
95,5920simplecov-rcov-setupHelps to setup SimpleCov Rcov formatter
95,5920genderize-ioGenderize.io Ruby SDK for interacting with the Genderize.io API.
95,5920grh814_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
95,5920ex-arrayA gem that is coming soon.
95,5920rcdA gem saving some frequent used paths and keeping them at hand, in a very ease and comf...
95,5920rtfmdA simple, Markdown documentation helper with ronn, gollum, and offline-generation support
95,5920smsifiedGem for consuming the SMSified OneAPI
95,5920drtom-textacularTextacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveR...
95,5920fitbit-to-graphitescript to import fitbit sleep data into graphite
95,5920fastlane-plugin-flutter_testsExtensions that helps to run flutter tests
95,5920faraday_specific_loggingsummary too
95,5920hola_seanlA simple hello world gem
95,5920jisterUse jister to push and pull an entire project from Github's gists! It's great for shari...