Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162201-162220 of all 180,534 gems.
142,2090kamikazeSite going down? Not without taking the rest of the server with it. Your app deserves a...
142,2090fluent-plugin-openshift_metadata_inputInput plugin to collect Openshift metadata
142,2090fortunetellerA Personal Finance Simulator
142,2090git-notifiergit-notifier is a gem for Mac Os that allows you to watch one or more git repositories ...
142,2090jasmine_fixture_builderGenerates fixtures for Jasmine specs.
142,2090mohumohu: Write a longer description or delete this line.
142,2090htmlppThis utility is designed to allow for dynamic updating of sta...
142,2090mina_hipchatAdds tasks to aid in the hipchat notifications
142,2090jekyll-theme-featherA theme based on Midnight
142,2090modified_acts_as_versionedSmall added functionality to technoweenie original gen for Rails 2 - Simple versioning ...
142,2090ironruby-dbiADO.NET compatible DBD extension to ruby-dbo
142,2090holacA simple hello world gem
142,2090lita-onewheel-xkcdXKCD searchable archive for comics by keyword, id and date*. * date coming soon to a m...
142,2090idecoderNow you can easily put an editor inside your project. With environment variables reader...
142,2090milkodeMilkode is line based local source code search engine. It have command line interface a...
142,2090middle_driveIntegrate Middleman and Google Drive
142,2090hem-tasks-composer_prestissimoInstalls hirak/prestissimo into the Hem VM
142,2090hello_rA simple Welcome gem
142,2090gem216A simple hello world gem