Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162181-162200 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920simplShortens URLs using the Goo.gl service
95,5920git-merge-prMerge a pull request on GitHub.com from the command-line.
95,5920docker-swarm-apiAPI for creating container clusters and services using Docker Swarm. Includes service,...
95,5920bonsai_clientThis gem is at an early stage of development. Please do not use it already.
95,5920deedveloperDeedveloper is an Indeed.com search engine in Ruby.
95,5920ensure_itMain goal of project is to provide fastest way to every-metho...
95,5920rstock_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
95,5920brawlstatsA super basic wrapper for the Brawl Stars API
95,5920jcapote-atomlogA library for parsing ruby's Logger format into an Atom feed
95,5920jcnetdev-acts_as_treeAllows ActiveRecord Models to be easily structured as a tree
95,5920flaggedModerate records in Rails
95,5920inherits_values_fromAllows a model to inherit values from another when its values are null
95,5920semi_staticEasily create content for your Rails apps using just textfiles
95,5920computationA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a computer's computations
95,5920ettuAdd Assets and Views into the Rails ETag Equation.
95,5920render-as-markdownRenderAsMarkdown is a small Ruby gem featuring simple to use objects to turn data into ...
95,5920TamagochiAddonTamagochi addon
95,5920kiik-apiA Gem for Kiik API
95,5920ruboty-instagramSearch image from instagram.