Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162681-162700 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910dohmysqlwrapper classes around low level mysql gem to provide a better interface
151,8910edgecastlonger description of your gem
151,8910file_instance_moveAdds some much needed (in my mind) copying and moving of files from a File instance.
151,8910eutilsLightweight Ruby API for NCBI Eutils. This gem only provides API for NCBI Eutils. If yo...
151,8910debug_logAllows you to easily and readably printout variable values (or any other Ruby expressio...
151,8910colorful_consoleinstall it and try 'String.colorful_usage.
151,8910config_stashSwitch between multiple user configuration profiles within a single git repository.
151,8910clesscless displays column oriented files.
151,8910codeblockRead a block of code from a working code file and format it.
151,8910bitfinexThis is a Bitfinex Ruby Gem to access and manage Bitfinex data provided by its API.
151,8910fiddleyUse Fiddle instead of Ruby-FFI !!!
151,8910asset_tasksRake tasks for asset packaging with Barista, Compass and Jammit
151,8910bd_moneyThis library makes it easier to deal with Money values, storing them as BigDecimal to a...
151,8910crankRSS, HTML and Email output from SVN repository logs with Ruby
151,8910acts_as_configurationMake a variable to work like a configuration variable
151,8910banksyTag anything you want
151,8910drophunterDrophunter is a tool which downloads every public image it can find on https://droplr.com.
151,8910ed448Ruby wrapper for libgoldilocks
151,8910dailycredA Ruby on Rails engine for authentication with Dailycred.
151,8910assignerA simple assigner gem