Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168081-168100 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840no-www-railsno-www-rails is a simple rails extension, that redirects www.yoursite to yoursite using...
143,3840omniauth-inspire9An OmniAuth client libary for Inspire9's identity server.
143,3840monophaseA one-column minimal responsive Jekyll blog theme
143,3840lint_trappingsFramework for writing static analysis tools (a.k.a. linters)
143,3840lita-onewheel-halfstaffView the current US flag half-staff status.
143,3840lita-onewheel-snowcrashMarkov generation from a Snow Crash corpus.
143,3840theme-madebymatt.coThe theme for madebymatt.co
143,3840tunnelerCommand line tool and ruby gem for SSH tunneling
143,3840mischa-email-specEasily test email in rspec and cucumber
143,3840turtlesTurtles all the way down.
143,3840mfp_studio_gameThis is the project got from the Pragmatic Studio Ruby classes and exercises.
143,3840mosaicMOdular Sinatra ApplICation
143,3840archetypeArchetype is a Compass/Sass based framework for authoring configurable, composable ...
143,3840line_head_washerLineHeadWasher remove start of target pattern charactors.
143,3840makebookAssembling books with style from Markdown sources
143,3840nba_drilldownA gem to learn about NBA teams and players more functionaility to come.
143,3840mixtli-mixtli-flex_chartRuby interface to Flex Charting component
143,3840mechanized_sessionA gem which uses the `mechanize` gem to make it easier to execute remote requests that ...
143,3840magickwandMagickWand for Ruby is a binding to the ImageMagick image processing library.
143,3840update-fieldsupdate-fields provides convience methods for running an atomic update on a single field...