Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172501-172520 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920git-assetsHelp you be faster in development mode and (goal) probably be fastest of furious in pro...
95,5920crystal_goodiesClass's methods convenient for scripting port from Crystal.
95,5920easy_exportsSimplify the way you fetch model data, making coding smoother and data exporting handli...
95,5920helium-rubyA Ruby gem for building applications with the Helium API
95,5920speednodeA fast ExecJS runtime based on nodejs. As fast as mini_racer, but without the need to c...
95,5920ruby-qstatQStat Ruby Frontend (Real-time game server stat fetcher)
95,5920sonar_rexchangeThe sonar_rexchange gem imports and fixes bugs in the rexchange gem.
95,5920seanwalbran-rpm_contribCommunity contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Relic Rub...
95,5920hkA description of your project
95,5920readlists-anonymousReadlists API for anonymous lists.
95,5920easy_json_configRuby library for ease of using a basic json config file with the ability to specify def...
95,5920leafy-healthprovides an API to register healthchecks which uses dropwizrd-metrics-healthchecks
95,5920cron_infoThis gem parses a cron string and prints a table of information about it
95,5920jmegs_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
95,5920foreman_teamdynamixA Foreman Plugin to create a configurable TeamDynamix Asset when a host is created in F...
95,5920hyperstack-configProvides a single point configuration module for hyperstack gems
95,5920cbt_rubyA gem for interacting with the CrossBrowserTesting.com API
95,5920hola_madhuA simple hello world gem
95,5920jenkins_shellThis gem will use the scripting functionality of Jenkins to simulate a Linux shell or W...
95,5920demio-rubySupports all methods for interacting with the Demio API as described at https://publicd...