Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172441-172460 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250mysql_parserA parser for MySQL DDL statements.
68,6250mattt-mtv-musicA Ruby wrapper for the MTV Music API. See http://developer.mtvnservices.com/ for more i...
68,6250guard-resque-schedulerGuard::Resque automatically starts/stops/restarts resque scheduler
68,6250guard-webrickGuard::WEBrick automatically starts and restarts WEBrick when needed.
68,6250maybellineMaybe you should start using the maybe monad, stop checking for nil, and be confident
68,6250rails_structure_loadingGenerate and load SQL structure files for your migrations
68,6250hashidWith HashId you can hide your actual page ids with on the spot randomly generated hashes.
68,6250skeleton_creatorGenerate a skeleton file structure from a YAML config file
68,6250git-fogbugzGit integretion with a FogBugz server
68,6250ircpIRC minimal parser
68,6250logstash-input-log-courierLog Courier Input Logstash Plugin (DEPRECATED - Please use logstash-input-courier)
68,6250twitter_imagesA CLI tool that downloads the most recent images from twitter based on the search terms...
68,6250mcu-mindThe Mind Stone allows the user to control the minds of others.
68,6250mcu-soulThe Soul stone allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, and alter living and dead...
68,6250jekyll-darkred-themeA dark-red theme for Jekyll
68,6250plesk-rubyA client library which facilitates communication to and from the Plesk API.
68,6250rustbyRust test
68,6250hl-geocoderLight library to make requests to Google Maps's Geocoding API.
68,6250huginn_naive_bayes_agentThe Huginn Naive Bayes agent uses some incoming Events as a training set for Naive Baye...
68,6250epf-railsEpf is a robust and stable framework for syncing client state with a persistent bac...