Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172481-172500 of all 180,660 gems.
151,8910bundler-changelogsA bundler plugin that shows changelogs of your gem dependencies that specify changelog ...
151,8910alias-managerAlias Manager finds which of your aliases are unused and which ones can be improved
151,8910easy_cmsCreate a simple CMS with a Material Template and create scaffolding with automated task...
151,8910file-monitorRuby File Monitor is a easy way to watch the directories and files, execute commands wh...
151,8910cheriThe Cheri Builder Platform.
151,8910basucoTransfer information from freebase.com through ruby.
151,8910enju_search_logSearch log management for Next-L Enju
151,8910Empact-rails-plugin-package-taskDesigned to automate the publishing of Rail plug-ins. Extracted from ROXML CVS.
151,8910centurianOutputs roman_numberals for any number.
151,8910doshiiGem to wrap Doshii API
151,8910conllWrite a longer description or delete this line.
151,8910cms-dashboardThis gem is used to create a simple dashboard for rails project.
151,8910cfdi_processorExtracts the information from the cfdi and converts it into a hash
151,8910date_nightFriendly ways to format dates. Instead of looking up strftime options all the time like...
151,8910decidim-survey_resultsThis module enables the admins to show survey results to participants though a new surv...
151,8910cocoadexCLI for Cocoa documentation reference
151,8910crazy_harryCrazyHarry is a high-level html fragment sanitiser/cleaner based on Loofah.
151,8910ember-auth-strategy-dummy-sourceEmber-auth dummy strategy adapter source code wrapper for ruby libs.
151,8910eric-keyword_searchGeneric library to parse GMail-style search strings for keyword/value pairs; supports d...
151,8910capistrano-solrCapistrano deployment tasks for Solr