Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172461-172480 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250stewart_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
68,6250herokugardenClient library and command-line tool to manage and deploy Rails apps on Heroku Garden.
68,6250grafeasThe Grafeas API stores, and enables querying and retrieval of, critical metadata about ...
68,6250history_commanderHistory Commander is a ruby daemon that provides bash users with a global shared comman...
68,6250sipwizardSIP Sorcery ruby client
68,6250http-requestorA Wrapper around Net/HTTP which allows you to perform HTTP Requests. Gives you a si...
68,6250yell-adapters-syslogsdAllows one to use syslog-sd with yell. Supports structured data.
68,6250pickdateAmsul's Pickdate.js for rails. Visit http://amsul.ca/pickadate.js/ for more info on the...
68,6250cookie_jarFor Rumpus and CookieJar Integration.
68,6250heyzap-authlogic-oauthAn authlogic extension for authenticating via OAuth. This can be helpful for adding su...
68,6250happy-commanderEasy, fair and trackable labor division in your team.
68,6250mdarby-pollsterA Rails gem that generates an entire MVC stack for user polling on your Rails 2x app
68,6250gemlineGrab the latest Gemfile 'gem' line for a specific Ruby gem
68,6250ghunitUtilities for GHUnit iOS/MacOSX test framework.
68,6250hopcsvA pure-C CSV parser for HOPSA. Based on Ccsv project. Works fast and efficient. Based o...
68,6250humane-railsA gemified version of Marc Harter's humane-js.
68,6250pebbles-slRun SL on your terminal
68,6250faye_shardsProvides support for easy communication with Faye shards
68,6250revs-utilsShared methods and functions used by revs-indexer, pre-assembly and bulk metadata loadi...
68,6250ripped-paramsGenerate strong param methods using yaml files