Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172421-172440 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450sifiapiRuby wrapper for the Simpli.fi API
91,6450tailslideWrite a longer description or delete this line.
91,6450logstash-output-snmptrap-v2This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
91,6450mixinerHelp you put methods in a mixin
91,6450jquery-datatables-rails-plusjquery-datatables gem for rails, edited by kornosk for specific purpose
91,6450kf5_api逸创云客服RESTful API for ruby,目前只实现了需要的接口
91,6450linode_clusterA simple wrapper library for creating a cluster of Linodes.
91,6450solidus_stock_supplierAdds support to receive stock from supplier in Solidus
91,6450joyent-provisionerWrapper gem around provisioning clusters of servers on Joyent cloud
91,6450phone_number_to_wordsGiven a 10 digit phone number, you must return all possible words or combination of wor...
91,6450rbs_deviseA RBS files generator for discard gem
91,6450mailgemsThis library allows you to quickly and easily use the Mailgems API v1 via Ruby. It is a...
91,6450google-cloud-life_sciencesCloud Life Sciences is a suite of services and tools for managing, processing, and tran...
91,6450google-cloud-resource_settingsYou can use Resource Settings to centrally configure settings for your Google Cloud pro...
91,6450google-cloud-vpc_accessServerless VPC Access enables you to connect from a serverless environment on Google Cl...
91,6450much-configConfiguration for Ruby objects.
91,6450rails-nmRender .json.nm templates in Rails.
91,6450joinme-apiA simple library for communicating with the join.me API (https://secure.join.me/welcome...
91,6450polyfillrbProvides user agent specific polyfills to the browser easily in ruby
91,6450tap-suiteA collection of modules to rapidly develop Tap workflows