Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174821-174840 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510canonical_dudecanonical_dude is a Rails plugin to easily set your preferred version of a URL via the ...
141,5510buildpack-packagerTool that packages your Cloud Foundry buildpacks based on a manifest
141,5510cocoapods-push-nolintA short description of cocoapods-push-nolint.
141,5510bkrr_view_tool"This gem adds a copyright to your page. The year updates itself. All you need to do is...
141,5510congress_apiSimple API wrapper for https://propublica.github.io/congress-api-docs/#congress-api-doc...
141,5510easylittleprinterServes static images from a remote server on the dates assigned in their filenames to B...
141,5510brevityParse and process brevity files, used for music notation. Convert them to other formats.
141,5510cardbinsCompare the card's bin range and return the card's brand name.
141,5510elasticshellElasticshell provides a command-line shell 'es' for connecting to and querying an Elast...
141,5510dragons_keepSecure Password Keeper Application
141,5510blekko-searchSearch and manage slashtags for blekko.com
141,5510broochThis is a test gem for learning purpose
141,5510fast_blank_ocamlA simple example of how to write a Ruby native extension in OCaml
141,5510data_for_seoRuby client for dataforseo.com.
141,5510environment_informationThe gem environment_information is able to provide information about the computer host ...
141,5510cucumber-mingleCucumber Mingle Integration
141,5510coral_cloudThis gem has been depreciated in favor of corl (https://github.com/coralnexus/corl). D...
141,5510boltsBolts is a foundation for writing applications
141,5510easy_audioEasyAudio allows you to play or record from your sound card.
141,5510chef-sandwichSandwich lets you apply Chef recipes to your system without having to worry about cookb...