Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176801-176820 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840ytemplateytemplate is YAML extension allowing deployment of YAML templates
143,3840thrifterProduction ready Thrift client with improved semantics
143,3840yamwowYamWow is a Ruby Gem built on top of the Yammer REST API to help you get more out of Ya...
143,3840universe_gshSimple Universe simulation ehich allow place all known Space bodies and fields.
143,3840tpbA API to query TPB
143,3840youpy-scissor-echonestScissor extension to use Echo Nest Developers API
143,3840mayThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
143,3840yugui-chkbuildgemified version of akr's chkbuild - a robust continuous building system
143,3840logkeeper_apiThis is a gem to connect to ErrorReporterAPI
143,3840lysande-jekyll-themeA theme for showcasing projects of different categories, good for portfolio.
143,3840num4equnumerical solution for equation
143,3840nokogiri-xml-rangeNokogiri DOM Range Implementatin based on DOM Standard specification.
143,3840af-client_side_validationsClient Side Validations
143,3840left_sideIt provide left_side and highlight function web app, base on cells and for rails app
143,3840tuffGem that adds same fail-fast functionality from rspec to test-unit
143,3840jruby-coerciongem to facilitate automatic coercion between jruby/java objects
143,3840MercaldiViewToolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
143,3840nexusplugintestsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
143,3840twofactorA gem to integrate your Rails app with Google 2Factor-authenticator mobile apps
143,3840xml2json-rbThis gem helps to convert xml strings to json and vise versa