Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182801-182820 of all 182,960 gems.
59,0250bootstrap_datepickerView helper that allows to select dates from a calendar (using jQuery and Twitter Boots...
59,0250adviserA very simple library to provide AOP concepts to Ruby.
59,0250geo_toolsMakes using latitudes and longitudes on forms easier.
59,0250aktion_testContains all required testing gems as well as some rake tasks and test helpers to make ...
59,0250rvA little init.d system for running Camping apps.
59,0250sentiqlThis is a work in progress. SentiQL promotes use of SQL for data selection, OM for CUD ...
59,0250aslakjo-comatoseComatose is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails applications.
59,0250add_thisSimple API connector for getting analytic data from AddThis
59,0250quarter_timeA simple gem for dealing with quarter logic. I happen to have a project where half the...
59,0250ddeServer that mimics Excel receiving XLTable data via DDE protocol
59,0250lungojs-railsThis gem provides Lungo.js for your Rails 3 application.
59,0250search_scopeSimplify searching a model by defining custom named_scopes.
59,0250wase_endpointWaseEndpoint is a library for building daemons that act as WASE Endpoints for http://bi...
59,0250will_paginate-rails3The will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for pagina...
59,0250busdriverA highly available redis bus client for Ruby apps.
59,0250random_phraseThis gem provides the ability to generate a random phrase from a customizable word list...
59,0250krk-timetablesThis is a gem parsing Cracow MPK timetables from the mpk.krakow.pl website and returnin...
59,0250api_bucketWe can use sevral APIs with common interface.
59,0250capistrano-unicorn-methodsContains a unicorn namespace with methods for starting stopping and maintaining the uni...