Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182821-182840 of all 182,840 gems.
70,6460jquery_nice_file_input_railsjQuery-Nice-File-Input asset bundle for Rails
70,6460ptolemyPtolemy is a TOML parser.
70,6460cap-elasticsCap extension for the Elastics gem.
70,6460elasticoA general way to use elasticsearch
70,6460gem-starStar github repository automatically when you gem install
70,6460historicA gem for tracking changes of a model in a history table.
70,6460uniteUnite provides extensions to your objects to support values with units
70,6460radiant-tools-extensionVarious tools (method, tags) for Radiant projects
70,6460itunes-affiliateThis gem provides you with an ItunesLink class that simplifies adding affiliate informa...
70,6460omniauth-exvoOmniAuth strategy for the Exvo platform.
70,6460newtRuby bindings for newt TUI library
70,6460voter_loveThe voter_love Gem allows users to easily vote on objects
70,6460gemitScaffolds some things I most of the time want when creating a gem
70,6460rails3_markituprails3_markitup is a Rails 3.1 engine that allows you to integrate the MarkItUp text ed...
70,6460murdochRuby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious...
70,6460gem_grepEnhances search command by displaying results in an ascii table and providing options t...
70,6460dieKill one or more processes by command name via an interactive script. Die will find pr...
70,6460finitefieldFinite Field implementation in Ruby.
70,6460dribbledProvides a wrapper around DRBD to gather information and perform monitoring checks
70,6460rake-assetsRakeAssets is a small Ruby Gem that contains some simple configurable Rake Tasks and de...