Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182861-182880 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320highballWho is the barkeep?
63,4320code_buddySee the Ruby code running in your app.
63,4320compass-uiCompass-UI is a jQuery UI theme builder for the Compass CSS Authoring Framework.
63,4320cruisestatusAllows scripts and applications to check the status of your project's build.
63,4320avatareeRuby DSL for Gravatar profile and images
63,4320houkiDelete collectively unnecessary files.
63,4320notification_serverNode notification server integration library for ruby project
63,4320oa-pubcookieOmniauth strategy using pubcookie with special additions for CMU students where informa...
63,4320peleteiro-activecouchActiveCouch wants to be a simple, convenient, idiomatic Object Relational Mapper for th...
63,4320titulo_eleitoralValida o número de inscrição do título eleitoral conforme resolução 21.538 (14/10/2003)...
63,4320fluent-plugin-buffered-resqueResque output plugin for fluent event collector. Has extra features like buffering and ...
63,4320ruby-stempSecure tempfile extension for Ruby
63,4320knockout_forms-railsProvides a Rails form builder to seamlessly setup a Knockout-js based view model on you...
63,4320fuzzy_searchImplements fuzzy searching for ActiveRecord, using your database's own indexing instead...
63,4320multijsonYou probably meant `gem install multi_json`.
63,4320capistrano-syntax-checkingCapistrano extension that adds syntax checks for Ruby, ERB and JavaScript files.
63,4320glennfu-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
63,4320temandoRuby API to Temando - an Australian transport fulfilment broker
63,4320array_groupings[1, 2, 4, 5] #~> [[1, 2], [2, 4], [4, 5]]
63,4320jackfsThis is the fs gem we use