Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182881-182900 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320couchbase-patternsActiveRecord-like Design Patterns and Other Design Patterns for Modeling with Couchbase
63,4320manaConfiguration management with Chef & Capistrano
63,4320logstash-filter-naxsiThis filter plugin will split a naxsi event into multiple in conjunction with other fil...
63,4320constellation-baseHelper methods for Constellation software.
63,4320klopsAdd common snippets to your Rails app
63,4320log_masterCreates and emails a simple report for a set of log (or text) files. Useful for aggreta...
63,4320grinGrin is a simple Ruby wrapper for the Fotogger API v1 specification. It currently suppo...
63,4320singpolyma-xgameHigh-level game framework based on rubygame and chipmunk
63,4320git-pullsgit-pulls facilitates github pull requests.
63,4320volt-select2Simple wrapper to use select2 with Volt
63,4320mm_uses_no_idMongoMapper plugin that removes ID field from EmbeddedDocuments
63,4320trustTrust is a resource oriented framework for authorization control. It is compatible with...
63,4320smshelpersend sms with multiple gateways, like esendex, bulksms, clickatell etc..
63,4320slaskis-sinbookA full-featured facebook extension for the sinatra webapp framework
63,4320singemA gem that provides generators for sinatra apps, ready to go with rack-test and others
63,4320autometal-geoipA wrapper to MaxMind's GeoIP services, that can work with both free and paid versions. ...
63,4320ultraviolet1xUltraviolet syntax highlighting gem for Ruby18 and Ruby19
63,4320locomotive-mongoid-treeA tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern
63,4320snaury-thin-auth-ntlmAllows you to force NTLM authentication on Thin TCP servers.
63,4320where_was_iGiven a GPX file and a time reference, return a location.