Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182901-182920 of all 182,991 gems.
82,1670readita simple readability api client
82,1670has_meta_dataCreate one model backed by a primary table and a supplementary 'meta' table.
82,1670ruby-libgearmanThese are the ruby wrappers for libgearman which can be used to provide Gearman Workers...
82,1670rubliqueRublique monitors object lifetimes across various code sections, outputting a logfile o...
82,1670RusaMemberExtract data from RUSA web site to get members information, results, awards
82,1670orthorA gem for displaying content from orthor.com
82,1670sortable-modelSortable-model provides a DSL for creating named scopes that order the object in questi...
82,1670heroku-autoscaleAutoscale your Heroku dynos
82,1670cherrybaseRuby gem to cherry-pick a range of commits with similar rebase options
82,1670custom_errors_handlerCustom Errors Handler is intended as an easy alternative to manage showing/rendering ex...
82,1670jekyll-asset-pipelineAdds asset preprocessing (CoffeeScript, Sass, Less, ERB, etc.) and asset compression/mi...
82,1670caserSimple structures for writing actions / use cases
82,1670virtSimplied interface to use ruby the libvirt ruby library
82,1670rl_hiya_oyvThis is a test ruby gem.
82,1670nytimesThis is just a placeholder
82,1670szaruPortings of excellent Sawzall aggregators.
82,1670revo-lockdownRestrict access to your controller actions. Supports basic model level restrictions as...
82,1670nyancatA Ruby port of Kevin Lange's nyancat
82,1670tommygunShotgun with default port of 4567. Everything else should be the same as rtomayko's sho...
82,1670less_assetsLess JavaScript Style Templates in the asset pipeline.