Soveran's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
172120redisA Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an i...
25971,314hiredisRuby wrapper for hiredis (protocol serialization/deserialization and blocking I/O)
32,9294,060redicLightweight Redis Client
43,0494,265nestIt is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...
53,6345,844micromachineThere are many finite state machine implementations for Ruby, and they all provide a ni...
64,2964,224ohmOhm is a library that allows to store an object in Redis, a persistent key-value databa...
74,8784,515ohm-contribIncludes a couple of core functions such as callbacks, timestamping, typecasting and lo...
84,8964,270stalStal receives s-expressions and resolves the set operations in Redis
96,3474,685pygmentizeA Ruby gem that vendors Pygments
106,3598,198totpTime-based One-Time Passwords
116,93410,010armorA PBKDF2 pure ruby implementation.
127,0638,155nidoIt is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...
137,7328,319cubaCuba is a microframework for web applications.
149,11112,141scrivenerScrivener removes the validation responsibility from models and acts as a filter for wh...
1511,75715,340moteMote is a very simple and fast template engine.
1612,08611,770syroSimple router for web applications
1712,74112,990shieldProvides all the protocol you need in order to do authentication on your rack appli...
1813,06518,950cutestRun tests in separate processes to avoid shared state.
1913,22911,379segSegment matcher for paths.
2013,97115,340clapClap is a small library that can be bundled with your command line application. It cove...
2114,45630,390contestWrite declarative tests using nested contexts without performance penalties. Contest is...
2214,50310,330batchIterate Enumerables with progress reporting.
2315,09130,390depSpecify your project's dependencies in one file.
2420,97451,323gsGemset management
2523,41735,332spawnSpawn is a very small library (just 14 lines of code) that can effectively replace fixt...
2623,88230,390ostOst lets you manage queues and workers with Redis.
2724,16251,323basicaBasic authentication library for Rack applications.
2825,16730,390dependenciesSpecify your project's dependencies in one file.
2925,33851,323cargoCargo lets you use different versions of the same library by implementing two simple co...
3026,29430,390relayRelay allows you to execute remote commands via SSH with ease.
3132,35835,332monkMonk is a glue framework for web development. It means that instead of installing all t...
3236,93535,332storiesWrite Stories and User Acceptance Tests using Contest, the tiny add on to Test::Unit th...
3337,53435,332disqueDisque client for Ruby
3438,07730,390teleTele is a small provisioning framework that allows you to run shell scripts on remote s...
3541,11051,323gnSimple Generator for the masses
3641,13535,332cachoA careless caching client optimized for scraping.
3741,34135,332joeJoe takes you from a gem specification to world domination in a single step.
3857,08835,332s4Simple API for AWS S3
3960,90527,387hartHash routing
4066,16051,323overrideOverride is the essence of the stubbing concept: it takes an object, a hash of methods/...
4167,70651,323drawerUltra light file-based cache.
4278,34551,323satzFramework for JSON microservices
4393,64751,323tasRepresent trees as strings
4496,27051,323hypertextHypertext authoring with Ruby
45100,03651,323redisentRedisent is a wrapper for the Redis client that fetches configuration details from sent...
46101,39951,323mtFake a SMTP server and print email to stdout.
47102,82651,323remotoRemoto controls browsers that accept javascript via TCP, like Firefox with the RemoteCo...
48104,14951,323contractContract helper
49108,45230,390packerUse different versions of the same Cargo-compatible gems.
50108,96851,323gemsetGemset management
51109,03151,323triggerA simple library for declaring and handling before and after events on method calls.
52109,85051,323ookCall commands on Redis keys
53111,89251,323pippippOfficial Ruby gem for
54112,80435,332finistFinist is a finite state machine that is defined and persisted in Redis.
55123,87751,323lookAdd to your load path directories that respect the Ruby Packaging Standard (http://chne...
56125,15051,323parPar is a lightweight binding for par, a handy Unix tool for formatting paragraphs.
57129,09235,332rprovRprov is a simple command line utility which helps you provision an...
58130,84551,323relClient for the Bandicoot relational algebra database.
59137,18951,323scList of HTTP status codes with pattern matching.
60145,99951,323rediscanScanner for Redis keyspace
61154,23951,323tercoTerco is a DNS server that always resolves to
62155,42951,323stringentGenerate a string with a target entropy