Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
166221-166240 of all 180,402 gems.
166,2032,158jekyll-cloudinary-forkLiquid tag to use Cloudinary for optimized responsive posts images.
166,2032,158fluent-plugin-dynamoAmazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector
166,2032,158mastercraftTest gem
166,2032,158helge_view_toolA very simple gem made for class for demontration
166,2032,158nmap_service_dumperParses an Nmap XML file and dumps a directory structure to disk representing each liste...
166,2032,158yandss_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
166,2032,158rybaiRussian names and addresses generator
166,2292,157instance_finderFind your EC2 instances based on tags - for CLI usage, Capistrano or as a library
166,2292,157powerComing soon.
166,2292,157strongest_validationsDescription of StrongestValidations.
166,2292,157rt_top_100View and learn more about Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies of All Time
166,2292,157node-listA linked node list implementation.
166,2292,157proxy-mateGenerates a PDF with standard size playing cards of your choice
166,2292,157lg-testsEsta gem foi criada com o objetivo de agilizar o processo de estruturação de uma stack ...
166,2292,157capistrano-simple-nginxCapistrano tasks for automatic nginx configuration Work *only* with Capistrano 3+
166,2292,157jira_reportingMisc tools for gathering data
166,2292,157elliptic-liteelliptic-lite - elliptic curve cryptography from scratch / zero - start with finite fie...
166,2292,157jekyll-theme-merlotspMerlotSP is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages based on Merlot
166,2292,157fsm_enginefinite state machine engine