Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
166701-166720 of all 180,434 gems.
166,6952,131webhooks-railsA Rails engine to configure and deliver webhooks.
166,6952,131i18n_tasksAutomatically generates locale files for Rails for different use cases
166,6952,131frederick_operations_loggerProvides Rails helper for ActiveRecord Models to log operations for JSON API Resources
166,6952,131currencyiseA simple gem to turn a number into currency format
166,6952,131yorgiYorgi: Org Mode in Telegram
166,6952,131exist_client-omni_focusA plugin for ExistClient that reports completed tasks from OmniFocus
166,6952,131iiif_google_cvIIIF + Google Cloud Vision API
166,6952,131chunglam1999A simple hello world gem
166,7092,130popular-recipes25 Most-Saved Recipes scraped from Genius Kitchen. You can view an ordered list of reci...
166,7092,130iswordChecks if a string is a word
166,7092,130br-invoice-downloadBrInvoiceDownload é uma gem para projetos Ruby on Rails que tem como objetivo fazer o d...
166,7092,130joinengine_helloworldA hello world test gem
166,7092,130shopify_sales_channelDescription of ShopifySalesChannel.
166,7092,130klajbar_view_toolView specific methods for personal application
166,7092,130yunpian-captchaCaptcha Client for
166,7092,130knuckleheads_studio_game_2018This is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course, ...
166,7092,130atom_shortcutsA quick CLI reference to Atom shortcuts for Mac, Windows and Linux, with search function
166,7092,130checkpoint_timerA handy timer to benchmark Ruby code
166,7092,130m9Receive emails without the hassle. Great for testing.
166,7092,130pronto-terraform_formatA pronto runner for Terraform.