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Most downloads over all time
170381-170400 of all 182,419 gems.
170,3712,046event_sourcery-event_storeImplements the interface for event_sourcery to interact with Greg Young's EventStore
170,3712,046isochronDo something only once"
170,3712,046matas_service_generatorThis gem creates a Service Generator so you can use it as a part of rails generators
170,3712,046parsergemRuby gem for clone site.
170,3712,046serverspec-ruby19RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef, Itamae or anything else
170,3712,046jekyll-include-cachedA Jekyll plugin to cache the rendering of Liquid includes
170,3712,046jekyll-clean-descriptionsClean and shorten Jekyll descriptions.
170,3712,046ruby-dlibYou can use computer vision features in Ruby.
170,3712,046punch_statsPunch Stats
170,3712,046jekyll-remarkTemplate for remark in Jekyll
170,3922,045parse_client_certparse_client_cert gem for getting info from certificate
170,3922,045miaowPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
170,3922,045randoneuse as active record relation method
170,3922,045gem_version_wrapperSmall gem that handles exceptions when you call with invalid input.
170,3922,045johkiSimple Steam Web API Library.
170,3922,045tone.rbWeb audio framework in Ruby
170,3922,045gcfThe gcf gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google Cloud F...
170,3922,045deltiEffortless delta time calculation within loops
170,3922,045railway_jpA library for providing Japanese railways and stations.