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170601-170620 of all 182,419 gems.
170,5972,032sanjeet_view_toolProvides automatically generated HTML data for Rails application.
170,5972,032blacklisted_credentials_clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,5972,032ojb_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,5972,032jonPermet de cataloguer, restaurer des fichiers photos et vidéos
170,5972,032shell_strikeA simple ruby gem to automatically identify valid SSH credentials for a server using cu...
170,5972,032cloudwatch_logs_insights_url_builderSpecify log groups and filters to generate CloudWatch Logs Insights URL accessible to A...
170,5972,032myfirstpackageSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
170,5972,032autorubyconfTool similar to the autotools for looking for dependencies before Ruby builds/compilations
170,5972,032conscanThis needs to be done.
170,5972,032railsdomtestingYou probably meant `gem install rails-dom-testing`.
170,5972,032zuora_connect-DDescription of Connect.
170,5972,032maxahirweGenerates whatever
170,5972,032timeout_extUses the CCAN timer implementation and hooks in the main Ruby VM to speed up timeout.rb
170,5972,032robotestFramework for Selenium with rspec, parallel_tests and allure in Page Object Model (POM)
170,5972,032sf_helperSaleforce helper
170,6182,031minima-binhA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
170,6182,031stackeyeSimple hardware & software stats
170,6182,031hola_nheapeA simple hello world gem