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170641-170660 of all 182,419 gems.
170,6362,030uikit_for_railsA lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web inte...
170,6362,030gemconsoleCommand-line utility for working with a gem in irb
170,6362,030pg_conduitStream data from one postgres database to another
170,6362,030agoda-crawlerEmpower World Travel Information Technology
170,6362,030logic_orProvide Logical Defined-Or operator
170,6362,030db2_sessionA Rails 5 & Rails 6 plugin for handling Db2 API request by using JWT token.
170,6362,030suitecrm-rubyImplements basic functionality needed to create and find records in SuiteCRM.
170,6482,029bitbnsA Ruby Wrapper around BitBns Crypto Trading APIs
170,6482,029logstash-input-multi-rdsIngest RDS log files to Logstash with competing consumers and multiple databases
170,6482,029github_api_gemCreated for easily use github api
170,6482,029livs_gemA gem that....
170,6482,029yaoiYet Another Odata Implementation
170,6482,029yarmclYARMCL's Another Ruby Model Catalog Library
170,6482,029yam_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails apps.
170,6482,029marmerdoGenerate domain diagram from markdown docs.
170,6482,029innoq-ui-componentsinnoQ UI components for use in internal applications
170,6482,029easy_rspecCreate customized RSpec templates with a single command
170,6482,029hp_generatergenarate homepage's template(html&css)
170,6482,029webpro_view_toolGem creates methods for application which display date and copyright info
170,6482,029rvncCollect variable names