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170541-170560 of all 182,419 gems.
170,5272,036pretty_putsPretty print logs for your Ruby CLI
170,5272,036spectator-rbLibrary for instrumenting ruby applications, sending metrics to an Atlas aggregator ser...
170,5432,035rspeccoreYou probably meant `gem install rspec-core`.
170,5432,035warn-deprecatedThis gem makes it easy to display warnings with deprecated methods.
170,5432,035azure_mgmt_databoxedgeOfficial Ruby client library to consume Databoxedge
170,5432,035poofAn alternative to DatabaseCleaner for automatically ensuring that objects created durin...
170,5432,035myfirsttestingpackageSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
170,5432,035sybren-marechal-thermostat-exercise: Write a longer description or delete this line.
170,5432,035wirecss_railsUse this gem to bundle WireCSS into your Rails Apps
170,5432,035fivaA structured logging implementation for Ruby
170,5432,035gitaly-flamingoAuto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.
170,5432,035helpscout-mailbox-v2-reportsREST client for HelpScout V2 mailbox reports
170,5432,035pg-schema-migrationSimple schema migrations for PostgreSQL, which runs pure SQL.
170,5432,035hasanunl_third_gemThird try at a succesfull gem.
170,5432,035logstash-output-strideThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
170,5432,035hola_satoWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,5432,035krates-mongoid-enumHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help you ...
170,5432,035firefox-jsonRead and manipulate Firefox's json files.
170,5432,035method_publisherMake private methods public