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170521-170540 of all 182,419 gems.
170,5142,037etiquetaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,5142,037mealyAn easy on the eye DSL to define Mealy FSMs. Can be used for lexers, stream transformer...
170,5142,037cbreakerThis gem is designed for help to create a guessing game.
170,5142,037gematdd-dibadGema utilizada durante las prácticas de LPP aprender Ruby y los diferentes paradigmas...
170,5142,037dapr-rubyDapr SDK for Ruby
170,5142,037acnh_critterpediaACNH Critterpedia is a CLI application that allows searching for critters and their ava...
170,5272,036vuexyVuexy Admin Theme. jQuery Version
170,5272,036robogyHelps to integrate with Robogy ( Cloud AI platform
170,5272,036event-enginegraphql and event sourcing are a match made in heaven!
170,5272,036notifiable-email-sesAWS SNS Email connector for Notifiable
170,5272,036collection_filterFilter objects for collections
170,5272,036lutaml-sysmlLutaml stub gem for lutaml-sysml
170,5272,036hashy_validatorThe hashy_validator gem provides the HashyArrayValidator, a custom Active Model validat...
170,5272,036akapu_firebird_adapterForked from "ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter for Rails 6." due to update dependencies ver...
170,5272,036ruby-ipfs-http-clientA client library for the IPFS HTTP API, implemented in Ruby
170,5272,036tournament_organizerThe goal is to make a tournament where all players play each other on differents games ...
170,5272,036webauthn-rbWebAuthn implementation for Ruby
170,5272,036ez_copyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.