Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170621-170640 of all 182,419 gems.
170,6182,031rubocop-restrictenvA rubocop cop that polices access to ENV
170,6182,031jsonapi-resources-optional_paginatorsJR paginators that allow returning records unpaginated.
170,6182,031logstash-input-cisco_ampThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
170,6182,031embulk-output-gcs_streamingStores files on Google Cloud Storage with streaming uplaod.
170,6182,031rails_admin_standard_themeRailsAdmin theme that resembles standard Ruby on Rails style
170,6182,031google-cloud-secure_source_manager-v1Regionally deployed, single-tenant managed source code repository hosted on Google Clou...
170,6182,031editframeOfficial Rails library for interacting with the API
170,6182,031ruby-graphql-java-client-generatorGenerates java code based on the GraphQL schema to provide type-safe API for building G...
170,6182,031str_helper_usongUseless string helpers
170,6182,031fastlane-plugin-uninow-sentryUpload symbols to Sentry
170,6182,031l42_mapImmutable OpenStruct On Steroids, it combines Hash's and OpenStruct's semantics
170,6182,031lolcommits-discordAutomatically post your lolcommits to Slack
170,6182,031context_serviceLittle helper method to call service corresponding with controller action
170,6182,031valnumberA simple gem
170,6362,030project-honeypot2Project-Honeypot provides a programatic interface to the Project Honeypot services. It ...
170,6362,030rspec-expect_to_make_changesMakes it easy to test that a block makes a number of changes, without requiring you to ...
170,6362,030luigi-templateSimple string templating library.
170,6362,030google-apps-meet-v2betaCreate and manage meetings in Google Meet. Note that google-apps-meet-v2beta is a versi...