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170701-170720 of all 182,419 gems.
170,6862,027google-apis-apphub_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for App Hub API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby cl...
170,6862,027marriageWhat marriage looks like to the MRI.
170,6862,027miaopaymiao payment
170,6862,027unambiguous_stringGenerate random unambiguous strings (no ilo06b2z chars)
170,6862,027win_lottoSimple ruby gem to generate random lotto numbers
170,6862,027kiv_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails apps.
170,6862,027str_helper_rml_dplUseless String Helpers
170,6862,027syslog-logstash-logglyThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
170,6862,027mumble-ruby2Ruby API for interacting with a mumble server
170,6862,027hotels_of_haiti"A CLI ruby gem to display a list of hotels in haiti and details about them "
170,6862,027zcash_ruby_explorerRuby wrapper for the popular Zcash blockchain query API service by Zchain. Enables quer...
170,6862,027visual_matcherA gem to make visual test
170,6862,027Menudiet_alu0100600216Define un menú dietético y los métodos para calcular sus valores nutricionales
170,7142,026teamspeak5A TeamSpeak 5 Query API in Ruby.
170,7142,026quacksAdd signatures to your methods
170,7142,026ng_wordVerify NG words.
170,7142,026rubyinstaller-buildThis project provides an installer framework for Ruby on Windows based on the MSYS2 too...
170,7142,026solidus_zip_zonesCreate zone zip code based
170,7142,026healthcare-infraHealthcare Infra tooling