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Most downloads over all time
170721-170740 of all 182,419 gems.
170,7142,026kt_data_classThe Ruby porting of `data class` in Kotlin
170,7142,026sogou-translatesogou-translate through web api
170,7142,026hypervisorA wrapper for Hypervisor.framework on macOS
170,7142,026chime-targetingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,7142,026cassandra_storePowerful ORM for Cassandra
170,7142,026revolut-connectRevolut API connector for Ruby. This gem is not official and is not supported by Revolu...
170,7272,025stateful-simpleThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,7272,025oxinionOXINION gem
170,7272,025jekyll-theme-voiladtjekyll-theme-voila is a Jekyll theme based on jekyll-theme-startbootstrap-agency
170,7272,025hash-dot-evilDemonstrates a gem that masquerades as legitimate but steals your AWS credentials and s...
170,7272,025stable_marriageRuby implementation of a Stable Marriage solver
170,7272,025papnothing to explain
170,7272,025scanning_engineit's a scanning engine of loophole
170,7272,025pubsubcA simple command-line client for Google Cloud Pub/Sub
170,7272,025TodoPagoConectorConector para la plataforma de pagos
170,7272,025chime-capsuleThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,7272,025jekyll_nthProvides a Jekyll filter that enables access to the nth items of an array.
170,7272,025dotradCurrently, RAD only features an encryption method called Radkrypt. See GitHub repo for ...
170,7272,025xod_clientCall info/data/writeback XoD endpoints with this library
170,7402,024xin_copyrightProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.