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170741-170760 of all 182,419 gems.
170,7402,024fafFind active GitHub forks.
170,7402,024aserviceGem for running services asynchroniously
170,7402,024rubybcPseudo Ruby compiler that uses it's virtual machine.
170,7402,024railsdeprecatedsanitizerYou probably meant `gem install rails-deprecated_sanitizer`.
170,7402,024gps-jobGoogle Pub/Sub Active Job Adapter
170,7402,024hello_tamaPuts 'Hello, Tama!'
170,7402,024pestau_gemProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,7402,024wikidata-diff-analyzerThis gem provides tools for analyzing diffs between Wikidata items, including retrievin...
170,7492,023just_timea little class to handle time-without-date
170,7492,023order_as_arbitraryObtain ActiveRecord results with a custom ordering
170,7492,023unfextYou probably meant `gem install unf_ext`.
170,7492,023whois7Whois7 API implementation
170,7492,023rbfseventYou probably meant `gem install rb-fsevent`.
170,7492,023thorderboltActive record arbitrary ordering
170,7492,023organizer-railsUse lists, tags, flags, etc. to organize your application records.
170,7492,023molecularBuild reusable, tweakable UI elements out of atomic CSS classes, in any Ruby app.
170,7492,023rack-content_disposition_helperRack::ContentDispositionHelper is Rack middleware that rewrites the decoded filename* d...
170,7492,023omniauth-wakatimeOmniAuth strategy for WakaTime
170,7492,023epopia-stripe-ruby-mockA drop-in library to test stripe without hitting their servers (Epopia version)
170,7602,022twilreapi-active_call_router-unicef_ioCall routing for