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Most downloads over all time
170761-170780 of all 182,419 gems.
170,7602,022wildcatMuch longer explanation of the example!
170,7602,022epayments-apiePayments API wrapper
170,7602,022visibilizeVisibilize generates random friendly identifiers that can be exposed to end users for A...
170,7602,022cocoapods-mexdupA short description of cocoapods-mexdup.
170,7602,022jekyll-fetchLiquid filter that enables including content from an HTTP URL
170,7602,022hello_bundle_gemWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
170,7602,022rspecexpectationsYou probably meant `gem install rspec-expectations`.
170,7602,022isValueGreaterThanZeroreturns true if the given number is greater than zero, otherwise returns false.
170,7602,022gem_hello_worldThis is a demo for describing how to create one gem.
170,7602,022vincents_first_studio_game_gemThis gem is made following the Ruby Course of Pragmatic Studio on online.pragmaticstudi...
170,7602,022lita-onewheel-old-redditLita interface to give you old reddit links because new reddit sucks.
170,7602,022kaminari-rectify-queryKaminari adapter for Rectify::Query
170,7602,022hola-harrisonmalonea gem to learn how to make a gem
170,7602,022structured_logLogging where nested sections (blocks) in code become nested XML elements in the log
170,7602,022search_youtubeFind your videos from your project
170,7602,022poptart_uiA set of utlity css helper classes
170,7602,022pdadvPDF Adventure game framework
170,7602,022yomeGenerate document when reading source code from annotated comment. It extracts the sour...
170,7792,021mavenlink-rubyInspired by Stripe's stripe-ruby
170,7792,021simpson_view_toolCopyright generator which automatically updates the year, allows you to put in your nam...