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170781-170800 of all 182,419 gems.
170,7792,021rugalPure-ruby implementation of genetic algorithms
170,7792,021fastlane-plugin-mossMoss is a tool that allows developers on Apple platforms to use any frameworks as a sha...
170,7792,021soaring_china_citya gem to help you select chinese area like province, city and district
170,7792,021nuri_game-tsx_readerTSXReader that convert .tsx files to a ruby object
170,7792,021jets-fsJets is a framework that allows you to create serverless applications with a beautiful ...
170,7792,021thumbsdownScript to generate a thumbnail grid in the form of a PNG file from a video source
170,7792,021json_parseLoad JsonParse with a json string or hash, and then refer to elements with dot notation.
170,7792,021shalmaneser-prepPREP - Fred and Rosy PREProcessor.
170,7792,021shopify_urlShopify URL allows you to build URLs to Shopify stores and the Admin site that can be u...
170,7792,021cutest-reporterextend cutest to allow summary report and some tweacks
170,7792,021ext_ooorOOOR exposes OpenERP business object proxies to your Ruby (Rails or not) application. I...
170,7792,021mininlpthis repo contains implementions of some NLP util functions, such as word error rate an...
170,7942,020lita-version-checkLita skill for checking your bot's commit version hash
170,7942,020siaEncrypt files with digital safes
170,7942,020transmitAn effortless way to update Rails views using action cable
170,7942,020dataexportWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,7942,020abn_lookupAbn Lookup.
170,7942,020bruhlbruhl provides an API to parse, generate, and manipulate the data files used by video g...