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Most downloads over all time
170801-170820 of all 182,419 gems.
170,7942,020miaopay-jdpayjingdong pay unofficial sdk
170,7942,020QualityGemUiHomework GeekHub
170,7942,020spectrum_colorpicker_railsAutomagically™ adds the Spectrum Colorpicker JavaScript library to the Rails Asset Pipe...
170,7942,020unicorn_adventureThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,7942,020jekyll-theme-digital-deltaThe Jekyll theme for Digital Delta projects and websites
170,7942,020hola_kamA simple hello world gem
170,7942,020dg_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,7942,020miniA very small Ruby web server
170,7942,020unisecToolkit for security research manipulating Unicode: confusables, homoglyphs, hexdump, c...
170,7942,020mudge_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,7942,020db_serializerAdd geometry features on Active Record models
170,7942,020vagrant-hyperkitEnables Vagrant to manage machines in hyperkit.
170,8142,019williams_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,8142,019ranranWeighted randomization library for Ruby
170,8142,019zweifischeRuby binding for @drewcsillag twofish implementation
170,8142,019pushcartA Rails engine for handling PubSubHubbub subscriptions.
170,8142,019cohere-aiA Ruby gem for interacting with Cohere AI platform.
170,8142,019ruby-i18n-monthsFormat dates with added directives "%O" and "%o" for months without days. Some language...
170,8142,019lanternsharkDesigned to be used on several project with modest rpm