Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
170841-170860 of all 182,419 gems.
170,8332,018cosingCOSING database
170,8332,018rebrandly_clientA simple ruby client to connect to the Rebrandly API
170,8442,017jekyll-theme-harveynick-lagrangeA minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal blog. Fork of Lagrange by Paul Le http...
170,8442,017wasabi-swaggerCLI tool that automate documentation process of Rails API with Swagger
170,8442,017atlas_view_toolThis gem provides dynamic copyright ruby wrapped html code.
170,8442,017embulk-input-pubsubSelects records from Cloud Pub/Sub.
170,8442,017knitting_patternsProvides information on the free knitting patterns from Purl Soho
170,8442,017rahil_testhas two functions add and sub and u can put only two parameters
170,8442,017html5sortableThis gem was made to incorporate the awsome html5sortable javascript library by Ali Far...
170,8442,017lean-microsoft-graphThis gem provides a set of methods to interact with Microsoft Graph API.
170,8442,017logsnagRuby Library for sending LogSnag events
170,8442,017sdl2_vulkanAdds on to ruby-sdl2 to expose Vulkan functions
170,8442,017singleton_evalEvaluate block in the context of singleton class
170,8562,016rspecsupportYou probably meant `gem install rspec-support`.
170,8562,016raven_loggerSend arbitrary events to Sentry
170,8562,016PersianNormalizerPersianNormalizer is a Ruby gem to Normalize Persian text
170,8562,016simplescramblerA simple scrambler for strings, integers, floats and arrays. Number of scrambles can be...
170,8562,016fastlane-plugin-app47Fastlane plugin for uploading builds to App47