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170881-170900 of all 182,419 gems.
170,8702,015liboqsRuby wrapper for liboqs from Open Quantum Safe library. This version included platform ...
170,8702,015togglv8-lastobelusToggl v8 API wrapper (See Fork by lastobelus ...
170,8702,015media_processing_toolA set of tools and utilities for doing media analysis and processing.
170,8702,015jekyll-org-to-htmlJekyll org-mode converter
170,8702,015iruiz_view_toolProvides general HTML data for Rails applications.
170,8702,015devise-not_pwnedDevise extension that checks user passwords against the PwnedPasswords dataset https://...
170,8702,015ruboopyA Ruby Wrapper for Apache Hadoop
170,8702,015sentinel-apiGem to connect to ErrorReporterAPI
170,8702,015mindfuldocExperimental gem to make it convenient to edit a mindmap_mfm document from a web page.
170,8902,014jsonschema-recorderWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,8902,014wielga_devcamp_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,8902,014tester-package-sdkthis is testing please ignore
170,8902,014omniauth-telepassAuthenticate with Telegram using Telepass
170,8902,014status_page_ioGem to simplify getting your rack/rails app to report to
170,8902,014onecmda iOS dev comand line tools
170,8902,014XomponentRuby based react rendering system
170,8902,014test_gem_001My first ruby gem
170,8902,014redis-rack-my-checksubRedis Store for Rack applications
170,8902,014tiny-gateThis is an authentication client for all TINYpulse apps which use single sign on.
170,8902,014omniauth-debitoorWith this gem you will be able to use debitoor as a provider in your omniauth configura...